

Monday, February 24, 2014

My apologies.

I feel like I need to apologize for a few things to a few people. Clear some things up.

I'm sorry that I am the friend who left you behind. I couldn't handle your out look on things anymore, I felt like you relied on me to much, to lift you up. You were full of self loathing. It made me tired and it was the best decision for me but I know that I hurt you and I am so sorry for that.

I am sorry that you feel like I don't want to be involved in your life. I think we have both forgot that I am not 6 years old anymore. I need you in my life but just in a different way now. I am in a good place and I have a life here. I'm sorry I don't call you more often.

I'm sorry that I'm not a better person for you. You're the greatest and I'm worried you are just settling. You mean so much to me and I'm sorry that I don't let you know that more than I have.

I am so sorry that I wasn't with you. I'm sorry that I didn't call more often or drive to see you more often. It was so hard for me to see you like that but that's not an excuse. This is killing me. I wish I could have talked for you. I know that if you were here, you wouldn't even be mad at me. I didn't deserve someone so amazing, but I'm glad I had you.