

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

h e l l o

Hello Sweetheart.

I am thinking about you, I always think about you.

Tonight I was thinking about how I wish I could have warned you not to fall in love me.

I am selfish, I want all of the galaxies and worlds to be mine. (I would share them with you of course, but no one else.)

<<< you deserve someone who is not so selfish.

I get a little stubborn sometimes and that's not very fair to you.

I get really grumpy when I'm hungry and I don't know how to fix that. You tell me you understand and that's so nice of you to not get upset with me.

Sometimes I forget to shave my legs and I get really embarrassed about it, but you tell me you don't care.

<<< I know, I forget to shave more often than "sometimes".

When I try to talk super fast my proper grammar is no where to be found and I mix up my words.

<<< I'm sure you have noticed this but you haven't ever said anything, so thank you.

I always want to eat spaghetti and I know that you don't like it as much as I do.

I should have warned you not to fall in love with me, but I'm selfish.

You deserve the world and more, and I can't give you that right now, but you love me anyway.


  1. AAAAH i love it i always love it you are so good so very very GOOD

  2. "I should have warned you not to fall in love with me, but I'm selfish." Ahhhhhh. This gets me, and I'm not even in love.

  3. this is really really really cute. it's fun getting little glimpses into your love life.
